Friday, May 25, 2012

Introductory Post

You may be wondering about the title. The Life of a Climber. In truth, it is rather unique ... but I think it best expresses my intent with this blog. So allow me to explain. It all started as early as my fifth year! I was escorted to sunday school by my parents, they signed me in, and handed me off to the beloved elderly couple. Not satisfied with their distrust of my own ability to sign myself in, I literally walked to the window, drug over a chair, pushed the unlocked window up, and climbed out the window to ground below. Upon reaching my goal I promptly walked back to the entrance door, down the hall to the same sunday school class, and proceeded to attempt to sign myself in. Since that day I have climbed and am climbing rocks, ropes, trees, poles, batting cages, decks ... pretty much anything that presents a challenge. Especially if the general consensus is it cannot be done, those are my favorite! But really all of that is my hobby...the things that make my eyes shine, my heart pump, and my face light up. I do have a day job. I am a professional climber. I have all the gear, all the tools, all the toys. I have been training for this for years, although I hadn't decided on it fully until 2011 when I went pro with my own company (and all the things that go along with ones own, licensing, accounting, taxes, employees, payroll, workers comp). I climb trees. When I reach the top (or usually on the way up) I cut the limbs off, lower them to the ground, and then do the same with the trunk. At the date of this posting I have climbed and surgically disassembled 832 trees. (I keep a precise log) Now what does this have to do with a blog? Well as a climber, in the tree industry, I run across extremely diverse people from all walks of life ... and I see unique situations on a regular basis. This is a way for me to record what I see, what life teaches me, what I learn from these days. And share it with you, my public, at the same time I create a digital sort of diary so to speak. With that I will leave with this: there is no industry more diverse in its employment than the tree world. Prepare yourself. This could get wild.

1 comment:

  1. Check your blog ability if you select one option then you will get....choice option....
